What kind of return on investment can I expect?

In studies, Peer coaching has been found to increase self-efficacy regarding stress management, increase awareness about stressful thoughts and management of those thoughts, improve time management, increase work engagement, decrease emotional exhaustion and burnout and improve resilience scores. They improved their skills with boundary setting and prioritization, self-compassion and self-care which has been perceived by the clients as positively affecting patient care.

Consider these statistics:

Our illustration assumes the following:

  • 7% average turnover

  • 44% due to burnout

  • 91% retention of burnout physicians after peer-coaching

  • $500,000/physician to replace

  •  100 physicians in a practice.

  • 7% turnover cost $3,500,000

If you assume only 44% of those leaving are burned out and you coach them, you retain those three and save $1,500,000 minus the cost of coaching 3 physicians. If they are using CME for the coaching the incremental cost is zero.

This does not figure in the increased productivity of energized physicians, satisfaction of patients and staff or the well-being of the individual physicians and their family.

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